Dare To Be You

Dare To Be You Personal Branding

During the Personal Branding Dare to be you camp youth will learn to embrace being their authentic selves through creative thinking, and graphic design. Students will work with professionals to explore personal branding and improve their creative skills.

Our Approach to Teaching and Learning
YEP aims to help students develop their understanding of business, creativity, sense of self, and their responsibility to their community.

Youth Empowered Programs (YEP) social and emotional skills acquired

  1. Students are engaging in self-awareness throughout this program by viewing brands and identifying how developing their personal brand is important.
  2. Students will engage in social awareness observation an­d reflection by considering how their observations may differ based on the different brands they look at over different times (i.e. days, weeks, months, years) in different settings (i.e. various neighborhoods, stores, communities, etc.) Students will consider how companies alter their brand based on different times (I.e. seasons and years) and settings.

Age group– Middle/High School Youth
Duration– 6 Week Program
When Starting June DAYS TBA
Cost- FREE


By the end of the program students will

  • Understand personal branding and why it’s important
  • Embrace being their authentic selves
  • Create their own personal brand
  • Learn the importance of goals setting
  • Dive into social awareness
  • Become creative thinkers
Yep We Design

Personal Branding Program Sessions

Open House
Parents and students will be introduced to the program and what to expect. During this time participants can meet and get to know one another.

Session One Goal Setting with Catch the Stars Foundation
During this session we will use Tamika Catchings Shoot for the Stars A playbook for Teens and Tweens to learn and set their own SMART Goals.

Session Two Dare to be You Part One
During this session students get and understanding of brands and create a brand for themselves. We will discuss why creating an authentic brand for yourself is important. At the end of this session students will be given a personal brand challenge.

Session Three Dare to be You Part Two
During this session students will continue their dive into personal branding. By the end of this session students will have developed their own personal brand strategy and messaging 

Session Four Logo Design and Identity
Students will explore graphic design fundamentals and learn how to create their own logo and brand identity touchpoints

Session Five Personal Brand Photoshoot with Photos By Hoskins
During this session students will learn the fundamentals of photography with Ashley Hoskins owner and CEO of PBH and receive a professional headshot

Final Day: Presentations
Students will present their personal brand and reintroduce themselves to their peers and to their parents. We will issue each student a certificate of completion in personal branding and have a short award ceremony.

Registration for Personal Branding Dare To Be You Camp will be opening soon!

How you can help us

Your support will provide us the tools for our youth to be
successful, creative thinkers, and problem solvers.